Tube Power Amplifiers



Type Monoblock power amplifier . A Class
Power 85 Watts
Bandwidth 10Hz to 63 KHz
Sensibility 555mV
Number of blocks 2
Tubes list 8 x KT170, 2 x ECC82, 2x ECC83
Dimensions 40x40x26.5 cm each bloc
Weight 68 KG
Consumption 320 VA per channel


We put all our know-how to perform a new mono-bloc built around a double push-pull of KT170; The last tube released combines power preserving quality. This unit has all the characteristics of our manufacturing, its architecture allows several operating mode to satisfy the most demanding audiophiles. Its square shape brings renewal. " Tube in front of" presentation and connectors on the back make easier its integration nto its environment.

Available from September 2023


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